  • By ITW's Developers
  • Addiction, Mental Health
  • April 30, 2021

Mental Health Trouble and Addiction

In this fast paced world of instant and disposable products, mind altering substances can give immediate gratification to some who look for an escape from their mundane, or seemingly unbearable, lives. They feel a deluded rush, in control and on top of the world; other times, they get relief from mental or physical pain, real or imagined.

The hallucinatory freedom of a drug trip soon becomes a harness that ties and binds the users to the substance, doing all they can to score some, risking bodily harm, when they’re desperate for drugs. Whether prescription opioids or illegal street drugs, addiction is a long and twisty rabbit hole, from which all too many people can’t dig their ways out.

Man at home on his laptop

What causes addiction?

There is no one template for all addicts but rather different elements or a combination thereof, which include:

  • cultural factors
  • social factors
  • situational factors

Together with:

  • psychological factors
  • biological factors
  • personal values

Substance abuse is currently often called substance use disorder.

Most Common Substances

Nicotine is still at the top of the charts around the world and in the United States, it is the most widespread and addictive. Some 40 million reported deaths have been caused by tobacco. Vaping or inhaling nicotine vapors is increasing and addictive, as well.

Alcohol has many social factors and in spite of all the campaigns warning against it, is still a substantial part of many social situations, both business and pleasure. Alcoholism, called alcohol use disorder, is more prevalent in some cultures than others.

Overly prescribed drugs under the medications umbrella, such as opiate painkillers, sedatives and tranquilizers, cause dependencies among constant users. It is the rare patient who won’t get addicted as a result of prolonged use.


After much study, it is concluded that pain is completely subjective and cannot be measured by any means. The pain one person tolerates is excruciating for another. Pain can distress other bodily systems to elevated levels, sometimes compromising that person’s health. Lessening the pain normalizes other vital functions.

To some degree, the same holds for mental suffering. If, because of one’s personality, genetic makeup, or environment, a person lacks coping tools and mechanisms, he or she will be more likely to use substances and become addicted.

Multiple Addictions

Often, addicts will succumb to multiple addictions and compulsive behaviors. A person addicted to drugs might also be a compulsive gambler, alcoholic or heavy smoker and in each case, spiral out of control.

Mental Health

Personality and psychiatric disorders can also play a role, such as in cases of bipolar disorder, commonly called manic depressive personalities. Drugs are very present in the manic state and medications are often prescribed to treat depression.

Recover at Home

In the wake of COVID 19, more and more services are provided from remote locations, to lower the risk of infection from exposure. The digital age has also made “recover at home” a very realistic goal. Addicts can know they are not alone, after many close friends and relatives keep their distance after taking the high road.

Yonah Budd offers just that option for those who, for whatever reason, do not or cannot come to him. Counseling by phone or video via Internet, gives people who might otherwise not seek help, access to an accredited, experienced therapist.

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