  • By Corey Coblentz
  • Addiction
  • March 3, 2023

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of your life. 

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding mental illness and addiction, making it difficult for those affected to seek help. This is why exploring different types of psychotherapies for mental illnesses and addiction can be extremely beneficial. 

With technological advances, the internet has opened a world of possibilities in terms of seeking addiction and mental health treatment online. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the different types of psychotherapies available and how they can help people lead healthier lives.


What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a treatment for mental illness or addiction. 

It involves talking with a therapist to identify and work through the factors contributing to your mental health condition.

There are many different types of psychotherapy, each with a unique approach. 

No matter what type of psychotherapy you choose, the goal is to provide you with the tools you need to manage your mental health in a healthy way. 

Types of psychotherapies for mental illnesses and addiction help online

Psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for mental illness and addiction. It can be used in combination with medication and other treatments. 

There are many different types of psychotherapy, each with its own approach and techniques. Some of the most common ones include: 

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on helping people change their negative thinking and behaviour patterns. 

It can effectively treat various mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and addiction.

CBT identifies and addresses the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours causing distress or problems. 

By helping individuals develop new coping strategies and better problem-solving skills, CBT aims to set people up for long-term success in managing their mental health.

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)

DBT is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy that was originally developed to treat borderline personality disorder. However, it has since been adapted to treat other mental disorders, such as depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse.

The key tenets of DBT are acceptance and change. While the therapist acknowledges and accepts the client’s current state and situation, they also work with the client to help them make changes to improve their mental health. 

This may involve teaching clients new skills for dealing with emotions, improving communication, or learning how to better manage stress.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)

EMDR is a type of psychotherapy that can help people heal from trauma. 

It is based on the principle that our brains can heal from trauma. Also, that eye movements used in this therapy can help to release the negative emotions and memories associated with the trauma.

EMDR can effectively treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and addiction. 

During EMDR, you will work with a therapist who will guide you through a series of eye movements while you focus on a specific memory or event. 

These eye movements help to stimulate your brain and allow you to process and release the emotions associated with the memory.

Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

IPT is a short-term therapy that focuses on improving communication and relationships. 

It can help treat mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. 

During IPT, you will work with a therapist to identify and understand your current relationship problems. 

You will also learn new skills to improve communication and reduce conflict in your relationships. 

IPT can effectively treat mental health conditions worsened by poor social support or interpersonal conflict.

Mentalization-based therapy (MBT)

MBT focuses on helping people to better understand and make sense of their own mental states and the mental states of others. 

It can effectively treat borderline personality disorder and other mental disorders and addictions.

In MBT, the therapist works with the patient to help them become more aware of their own (and that of others) thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. 

The therapist may also help the patient understand how past experiences have influenced their current thoughts and behaviours. 

Patients can learn to better regulate their emotions and behaviour through this process.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy focuses on the unconscious mind and how it affects behaviour. 

It is based on the theory that our early childhood experiences and relationships with our parents or caregivers shape our current thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Psychodynamic therapy aims to help people become aware of these unconscious factors and how they affect their lives. 

By doing this, people can learn to understand and change their behaviours.

Last thoughts

Online addiction and mental health treatments offer various types of psychotherapies to help those with mental illnesses and addictions. 

It is important to discuss the types of psychotherapy for mental illnesses with a professional to ensure you receive the appropriate care. 

Mental health and addiction treatment online can provide a safe and comfortable place for people to take greater control over their lives and well-being.

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