  • By Corey Coblentz
  • Addiction
  • March 3, 2023

Addiction and mental health are inextricably linked; the two often go hand in hand, impacting a person’s ability to manage their life. 

Unfortunately, addiction and mental health disorders have historically been treated like separate issues, with treatments tailored to one or the other. 

But that’s no longer the case — as researchers and therapists have learned more about these ailments, they’ve come to recognize the need for integrated care. 

This blog post discusses some of the best addiction and mental health treatments. 

From medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), learn more about how you can get the help you need for a healthier life today.

mental health treatment

The role of therapy in addiction and mental health treatment

Therapy plays an important role in addiction and mental health treatment. It can provide support to people who are struggling with addiction and help them to develop coping skills. Therapy can also help people understand the underlying causes of their addiction to make changes in their lives that will reduce the risk of relapse.

Different Types of Mental Health Treatments 

Addiction and mental disorder treatments come in many forms, such as:


Often used in combination with other treatments, psychotherapy can help people addicted to drugs or alcohol understand and change the thoughts and behaviours contributing to their substance abuse.

Behavioural therapies

These therapies teach people new skills to help them cope with difficult situations without turning to drugs or alcohol. Common behavioural therapies to treat addiction include cognitive-behavioural therapy, contingency management, and motivational enhancement therapy.


Medications can be used to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and treat underlying mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Commonly used medications for treating addiction include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and buprenorphine (Suboxone).

Medical detoxification

Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while under medical supervision. This can be an important first step in treatment, but it is not considered a long-term solution.

Residential treatment

Residential treatment programs provide 24-hour care in a structured environment. These programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, and they often include individual and group therapy and other activities like recreation and life skills training.

Support groups

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous provide peer support and guidance for people in recovery. These groups can be an important part of the treatment process and often serve as a source of long-term support.

Addiction help online

This combines various treatments to ensure the best results for each patient. This treatment also enables patients to receive the care they need from the comfort of their homes.  


Hospitalization can provide a safe and structured environment to detox and/or receive intensive treatment. It can also be a lifesaving intervention for those in crisis or at risk of harming themselves or others.

Complementary and alternative therapies 

Complementary and alternative therapies are often used in addition to traditional treatment methods. They can be used to help with symptom relief or to address the underlying causes of the condition. Popular complementary and alternative therapies for addiction and mental health include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Meditation
  • Herbal supplements
  • Yoga or exercise

Benefits of addiction and mental health treatments

By attending treatment, individuals can learn how to cope with their addiction and mental health, taking steps to a sober and controlled life. 

Some of the benefits of addiction and mental health treatments include:

Learning how to cope with addiction.

In treatment, individuals will learn how to identify and manage their triggers for use. They will also learn healthy coping mechanisms to deal with cravings and urges. This knowledge can help them stay sober in the long term.

Managing underlying mental health conditions. 

Many people who struggle with addiction also have underlying mental health conditions. In treatment, they can work on managing these conditions in addition to their addiction. This can lead to better overall mental health and well-being.

Building a support system. 

In treatment, individuals will meet other people going through similar experiences. This can create a strong support system that can help them stay sober after completing treatment.

Improving overall physical health. 

Addiction takes a toll on the body, both physically and mentally. In treatment, individuals will work on improving their physical health by eating better, exercising regularly, and getting proper rest and sleep. This can lead to improved energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

Reducing the risk of relapse.

Treatment can help individuals identify and avoid situations that may lead to relapse. They will also learn coping strategies to manage cravings and urges when they do arise. This knowledge can help them stay sober in the long term.

Who should seek addiction and mental health treatment?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best addiction and mental health treatment option for a given individual will vary depending on that person’s specific situation and needs. 

However, anyone struggling with an addiction and/or any associated mental health issues should consider seeking professional help.

No matter what form it takes, mental health treatment can be extremely effective in helping someone overcome their addiction and start living a healthier, happier life. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

How to choose the right treatment for you

Many addiction and mental health treatments are available, and it can be difficult to know which is right for you. 

The most important thing is to talk to your doctor or mental health professional about your options and what they recommend for your situation.

Don’t hesitate! Contact us today for a tailor-made addiction treatment online plan.

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